
Welcome to our church and thanks for looking up our website.

Whether you are just browsing or looking to visit us, we hope you will experience something of the warmth of God’s love and of our fellowship.

We particularly pray that you will know God’s love and peace.  This year we will be exploring many aspects of journeying in faith.  There are many activities for you to join with us, not just at our Sunday worship, but also throughout the week on our church premises or around the community.  Do look through these web pages for an insight, but do get in touch through our contact page or come and visit the real thing one Sunday.

The fellowship has returned back to live services at the church.

While we were unable to meet together, we created services for all to view on the website. You can view all our online services during the pandemic in our downloads area.

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David Rockall, our Premises Manager, carrying out essential maintenance work on our church building this afternoon 😊 ... See MoreSee Less

David Rockall, our Premises Manager, carrying out essential maintenance work on our church building this afternoon 😊

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That hat is really something special x

well done David. x

David R, superstar 🌟🏅

Thanks David for all you do 😀

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Broadwater Baptist Big Church All-In Service

We all have our own style of doing things.

Whether you like to sit still or run around, shout, sing or savour the silence.  Our ‘All-In’ service on the first Sunday of each month takes the opportunity for us all to explore our own way, whatever our age or style. In these testing times we are using YouTube to deliver the service while we are in lockdown.

We spend around an hour together as God’s one family, but have the opportunity to try different things.  Sounds interesting or just plain confusing?  Then why don’t you give it a go? Press play below to see our most recent online service.