About Simon

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So far Simon has created 214 blog entries.
18 03, 2018

18 March 2018 – Church Newsletter

2018-03-19T08:36:24+00:00March 18th, 2018|Newsletter|

Jason & Lauren lead our service this morning as we continue to explore the parables of Jesus. Initially we will be all together and then our younger worshipers are invited to attend one of the various 'Powerbase' groups.  We also will be sharing communion together this morning. We invite all who are able to declare [...]

11 03, 2018

11 March 2018 – Church Newsletter

2018-03-11T19:48:44+00:00March 11th, 2018|Newsletter|

Jenny, Jason & Ted lead our service this morning. Initially we will be all together and then our younger worshipers are invited to attend one of the various 'Powerbase' groups. Please do stay if you can for refreshments after the service, for which there is no charge. Our welcome team are also available to assist [...]

25 02, 2018

25 February 2018 – Church Newsletter

2018-02-25T17:08:21+00:00February 25th, 2018|Newsletter|

We hope you feel comfortable on our premises and receive a warm welcome. Please do stay if you can for refreshments after the service, for which there is no charge. Ros, Jason & Paul lead our service this morning which is looking at the parable of the shrewd manager. Initially we will be all together [...]

18 02, 2018

18 February 2018 – Church Newsletter

2018-02-23T19:48:33+00:00February 18th, 2018|Newsletter|

We meet this morning as we do every Sunday to bring our worship to our unchanging God. However this morning is not like most Sundays. We gather particularly to remember the Hill family, pray for them and the others caught up in the tragic events of last weekend. As a fellowship we come together to [...]

11 02, 2018

11 February 2018 – Church Newsletter

2018-02-11T19:45:36+00:00February 11th, 2018|Newsletter|

As we continue exploring parables, Jason focuses on The Good Samaritan this morning. We hope you feel comfortable on our premises and receive a warm welcome. Stay if you can for refreshments after the service, for which there is no charge. Please take time to find our more about the life of our fellowship over [...]