About Simon

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So far Simon has created 214 blog entries.
21 01, 2018

21 January 2018 – Church Newsletter

2018-01-21T17:41:47+00:00January 21st, 2018|Newsletter|

This morning we continue our series examining parables. Jason & Adam lead our service and our children's groups will be going to their various sessions after the first part of our time together. A particular welcome if you are visiting this morning. Do talk with our welcomers and those involved with our service this morning [...]

14 01, 2018

14 January 2018 – Church Newsletter

2018-01-14T18:22:39+00:00January 14th, 2018|Newsletter|

This morning we start our series examining the parables that Jesus told. Jason, Sharon & Paul lead our service; our children's groups will be going to their various sessions after the first part of our time together. Today they will be exploring the calling of Matthew and being accepted. We pray that you find the [...]

13 01, 2018

Community of Prayer

2018-01-13T18:43:26+00:00January 13th, 2018|Prayers|

Heavenly Lord, I know I am not alone saying these prayers or reading your Word this morning, but many people unknown to me, from all stations of life, have joined together in this brief moment of devotion. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the [...]

7 01, 2018

7 January 2018 – Church Newsletter

2018-01-07T17:40:32+00:00January 7th, 2018|Newsletter|

This morning we welcome Chris & Debbie Drew as they join us on their home assignment in the UK. Back in Nepal, they live with their four children in Kathmandu where they work with the International Nepal Fellowship, a Christian mission serving Nepali people through health and development work. Andrew & Lauren will lead us [...]

10 12, 2017

10 December 2017 – Church Newsletter

2017-12-11T19:37:38+00:00December 10th, 2017|Newsletter|

Today is the 2nd Sunday in Advent and time for our pop-up nativity. This is an opportunity for everyone to participate in the re-telling of the Christmas story. If you haven't been able to sort an outfit for this morning, then please make use of the costumes available here in the sanctuary. Please do enter [...]