About Simon

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So far Simon has created 214 blog entries.
23 07, 2017

23 July 2017 – Church Newsletter

2017-07-23T16:35:03+00:00July 23rd, 2017|Newsletter|

Jason and Claire have started their holiday for the next couple of weeks, so today Andrew and Paul lead our service. Andrew is taking the theme of God's mystery based on the verses from the first half of Ephesians chapter 3. We pray you find refreshment and challenge in our fellowship together. Our youngsters go [...]

16 07, 2017

16 July 2017 – Church Newsletter

2017-07-16T18:00:07+00:00July 16th, 2017|Newsletter|

We welcome you to this morning's communion services. At camp... We gather as our worship is led by Adam and Jason. The beautiful surroundings of Champs Hill and plenty of fresh air is available for our children this morning. ...and at Broadwater. Graham and Rosemary Jefferson share with us this morning and lead us in [...]

18 06, 2017

18 June 2017 – Church Newsletter

2018-01-06T11:41:57+00:00June 18th, 2017|Newsletter|

We gather this morning to bring our praise and worship to God who's love is indescribable. Through our prayers God connects with us and inspires us to fulfil His purpose on the frontline. This morning we continue our series of Life on The Frontline by looking at the 'Frontline Cry'. Jason and Lauren lead the [...]

11 06, 2017

11 June 2017 – Church Newsletter

2018-01-06T11:41:57+00:00June 11th, 2017|Newsletter|

We come together this morning as God's family to offer our praise, bring our prayers, listen to His word and to encourage each other in our faith. This morning we continue our series of Life on The Frontline by looking at the 'Frontline Concern' and watching out for God in our ordinary situations. Jason and [...]