About Simon

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So far Simon has created 214 blog entries.
12 02, 2017

12 February 2017 – Church Newsletter

2018-01-06T11:42:00+00:00February 12th, 2017|Newsletter|

Jason and Ruth lead our service this morning. Jason continues to look at life as a Baptist by looking at Acts 2 verses 41-47. Powerbase, our series of groups for youngsters, continue their sessions after the first part of the service. We hope you feel comfortable on our premises. Stay if you can for refreshments [...]

5 02, 2017

5 February 2017 – Church Newsletter

2018-01-06T11:42:00+00:00February 5th, 2017|Newsletter|

Welcome to BIG CHURCH- the one where we're All-in! The service this morning will be led by Jason, Ros, Claire, Chris and Sarah with a little help from some familiar friends! The Bible says: "Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life [...]

22 01, 2017

22 January 2017 – Church Newsletter

2018-01-06T11:42:02+00:00January 22nd, 2017|Newsletter|

Jason and Ted lead our service this morning where we will be continuing our look at Baptist beliefs by examining baptism. Powerbase, our series of groups for youngsters, go off to their sessions after the first part of the service. We hope you feel comfortable on our premises and receive a warm welcome. Stay if [...]

15 01, 2017

15 January 2017 – Church Newsletter

2018-01-06T11:42:02+00:00January 15th, 2017|Newsletter|

Jason and Ruth lead our communion service this morning. Powerbase, our series of groups for youngsters, go off to their sessions after the first part of the service. We hope you feel comfortable on our premises and receive a warm welcome. Stay if you can for refreshments after the service, for which there is no [...]

11 12, 2016

11 December 2016 – Church Newsletter

2018-01-06T11:42:02+00:00December 11th, 2016|Newsletter|

Jason and Ted lead our service this morning, the third in Advent. Our youngsters sessions in Powerbase start after the first part of the service. We hope you all feel comfortable on our premises and receive a warm welcome, whether regular or just passing by. Please do stay if you can for refreshments after the [...]

27 11, 2016

27 November 2016 – Church Newsletter

2018-01-06T11:42:02+00:00November 27th, 2016|Newsletter|

Jason and Ted lead us in this morning's service as we conclude our series from Relevation. We hope you all feel comfortable on our premises and receive a warm welcome, whether regular or passing by. Please do stay if you can for refreshments after the service, for which there is no charge. If you need [...]

20 11, 2016

20 November 2016 – Church Newsletter

2018-01-06T11:42:02+00:00November 20th, 2016|Newsletter|

Jason and Ruth lead us in this morning's communion service. As the world around us starts to get caught up in the busyness of Christmas presents we rejoice in the eternal gift of life given on a cross. We welcome all to our service this morning, whatever your thoughts on faith. We encourage all who [...]

13 11, 2016

13 November 2016 – Church Newsletter

2018-01-06T11:42:02+00:00November 13th, 2016|Newsletter|

We hope you feel comfortable on our premises and receive a warm welcome. Stay if you can for refreshments after the service, for which there is no charge.  If you need directions to the toilet or have any questions then just ask— you can spot those in our welcome team by their lanyards.   The [...]