The church newsletter for Broadwater Baptist Church, published on Sunday.

26 11, 2017

26 November 2017 – Church Newsletter

2017-11-26T19:39:00+00:00November 26th, 2017|Newsletter|

This morning Jason concludes our series examining 'Fruitfulness on the Frontline' and Lauren leads our music. Powerbase, our groups for younger worshippers have their various sessions after we spend some time all together in the service this morning. Today they will be building up to Christmas by looking at how God came and visited Mary. [...]

19 11, 2017

19 November 2017 – Church Newsletter

2018-01-06T11:41:53+00:00November 19th, 2017|Newsletter|

This morning Jason and Sarah lead our communion service. We invite all those that recognise Jesus as Lord to share with us in communion. The bread is passed around the congregation and taken individually. We then hold onto the wine (non-alcoholic) and drink together. Please do not feel you have to partake, take the time [...]

5 11, 2017

5 November 2017 – Church Newsletter

2018-01-06T11:41:53+00:00November 5th, 2017|Newsletter|

The service this morning will be led by the Big Church Team with help from some familiar friends! In our worship today we will celebrate th at we are adopted children of God. WHAT? Today, we'll be finding about being children of God. HOW? Through God’s words, music and drama, being still, moving, creating, thinking, [...]

29 10, 2017

29 October 2017 – Church Newsletter

2017-10-31T19:43:14+00:00October 29th, 2017|Newsletter|

This week our three churches are pleased to worship together. Denise, Andrew and Jason will all contribute to our joint act of worship as we explore what it means to be salt and light. We pray that this different service will challenge and inspire you in your walk with God. Ptease make yourself at home [...]

22 10, 2017

22 October 2017 – Church Newsletter

2017-10-27T09:32:00+00:00October 22nd, 2017|Newsletter|

This morning Jason, Martin and Ted lead our service. Jason is continuing our series on Fruitfulness On The Frontline by considering 'Mouthpiece of Truth & Justice'.  Please make yourself at home in our premises and be sure to ask one of our welcome team if you need any help finding your way around or want [...]

24 09, 2017

24 September 2017 – Church Newsletter

2017-09-24T19:40:25+00:00September 24th, 2017|Newsletter|

This morning Jason and Lauren lead our service. Jason continues the series of 'Fruitfulness on the Frontline' by considering 'Making Good Work' based from Genesis chapters 1 & 2. Our younger groups have their various sessions after we spend some time all together in the service this morning. If you would like to know anything [...]

17 09, 2017

17 September 2017 – Church Newsletter

2017-09-17T14:11:49+00:00September 17th, 2017|Newsletter|

This morning Jason and Paul lead our communion service. Jason continues the series of 'Fruitfulness on the Frontline' by considering 'Modelling Godly Character' based on the passage Galatians chapter 5 verses 13-26. Our younger groups have their various sessions after we spend some time all together in the service this morning. If you would like [...]

10 09, 2017

10 September 2017 – Church Newsletter

2018-01-06T11:41:56+00:00September 10th, 2017|Newsletter|

This morning Jason and Ted lead our service. Jason is starting the series of 'Fruitfulness on the Frontline' by looking at the big picture. Our younger groups have their various sessions after we spend some time all together in the service this morning. If you would like to know anything about what goes on here [...]

3 09, 2017

3 September 2017 – Church Newsletter

2017-09-03T14:15:07+00:00September 3rd, 2017|Newsletter|

This morning Jason leads our service and explores 'Co-workers'. Adam leads our music and the youngsters go back to their usual Powerbase groups. A special thanks to Chris, together with Jenny and Linda who put together a great summer program for such a wide range of ages. We pray you find refreshment and challenge in [...]

20 08, 2017

20 August 2017 – Church Newsletter

2017-08-20T17:43:43+00:00August 20th, 2017|Newsletter|

This morning Jason leads our communion service. We are privileged to find out more about Home Mission this morning. The Baptist organisation that helps Baptist churches and individuals to reach their mission potential and bring the love of God to their communities. Home Mission works by providing grants to support a variety of ministries in [...]