About Simon

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So far Simon has created 214 blog entries.
6 11, 2016

6 November 2016 – Church Newsletter

2018-01-06T11:42:02+00:00November 6th, 2016|Newsletter|

Welcome to BIG CHURCH the one where we're All-In! The service this morning will be led by the BIG CHURCH team with help from some familiar friends! A warm welcome is extended to any visitors and you are invited to stay for a cuppa after our time of family worship together. WHAT? The theme of [...]

30 10, 2016

30 October 2016 – Church Newsletter

2018-01-06T11:42:03+00:00October 30th, 2016|Newsletter|

We gather to celebrate an ongoing relationship with God that stretches back beyond the start of history and stretches beyond eternity. May you find refreshment for the soul, peace for troubles and inspiration for all that lies ahead as we declare that Jesus Is Lord. This morning Lauren is leading our music and Jason will [...]

23 10, 2016

23 October 2016 – Church Newsletter

2016-10-23T12:07:36+00:00October 23rd, 2016|Newsletter|

This morning Jason continues the series from the first few chapters of Revelation and is talking about the church in Philadelphia. Ruth leads our music and the youngsters go to their Powerbase sessions after the first part of the service.   Singers Rechoired and Worthing Silver Band Present an Autumn Concert Friday 28th October 2016 [...]

16 10, 2016

16 October 2016 – Church Newsletter

2018-01-06T11:42:03+00:00October 16th, 2016|Newsletter|

This morning we celebrate communion together. If you recognise God's love for you then please join us as we share bread and non-alcoholic wine. Jason continues the series from the first couple of chapters of Revelation and is talking about the church in Sardis, 'comfortably numb'. Lauren leads our music and our kids sessions in [...]

2 10, 2016

2 October 2016 – Church Newsletter

2018-01-06T11:42:03+00:00October 2nd, 2016|Newsletter|

Welcome to BIG CHURCH- the one where we're All-In! The service this morning will be led by the BIG CHURCH team with help from some familiar friends! A warm welcome is extended to any visitors and you are invited to stay for a cuppa after our time of family worship together. WHAT? The theme of [...]

25 09, 2016

25 September 2016 – Church Newsletter

2018-01-06T11:42:03+00:00September 25th, 2016|Newsletter|

Welcome to our church this morning. Jason continues our series from Revelation, exploring the letter to Pergamum "the first cut is the deepest". Adam leads our music and our kids sessions in Powerbase start after the first part of the service. Tonight from 7pm our Alpha series starts. A great opportunity to get to grips [...]

11 09, 2016

11 September 2016 – Church Newsletter

2018-01-06T11:42:03+00:00September 11th, 2016|Newsletter|

This morning Jason continues our series examining what type of church we are. Ted leads our music and the kids start their new term in Powerbase, looking at the raising of the widow's son. They go to their sessions after the first part of the service. It's great to see you here at BBC this [...]

4 09, 2016

4 September 2016 – Church Newsletter

2018-01-06T11:42:05+00:00September 4th, 2016|Newsletter|

Welcome to BIG CHURCH- the one where we're All-in! The service this morning will be led by the BIG CHURCH team with help from some familiar friends! A warm welcome is extended to any visitors and you are invited to stay for a cuppa after our time of family worship together. The author of 1 [...]

28 08, 2016

28 August 2016 – Church Newsletter

2016-09-04T16:03:50+00:00August 28th, 2016|Newsletter|

This morning Jason commences our series examining what type of church we are. Lauren leads our music and the kids conclude their sessions based around the Fruit of the Spirit with Chris and team after the first part of the service. It's great to see our new kitchen in operation with the Wave Café back [...]